The next meeting of the RIH BOE is Monday 3/27 at 8pm at Indian Hills High School Cafeteria (new location chosen by a majority of the Board).
The agenda includes a proposal to update the 2022-23 district calendar to give back 2 unused emergency days on Friday, April 21, 2023 (in recognition of the observed Eid al-Fitr holiday) and Friday, May 26, 2023 (in advance of Memorial Day Weekend). The agenda also includes a revised Policy 0155.2 Use of Teleconferencing in Committee Meetings, which removes the requirement that Board members affirm they are in a location that ensures privacy and confidentiality. This does raise some concern as to whether this Policy has been fully vetted and is a best practice. The remainder of the agenda is more or less routine business items, including 3 more HIB cases. Of course, there is always the possibility of surprise walk in motions from this board as well. Please try to attend or tune in to the Livestream!
For your convenience links to the Agenda, Livestream and red-lined version of Policy 0155.2 are here:
Update: A link to an addendum to the agenda is here.