The next RIH BOE is Feb 13th at 7pm at Indian Hills.
Agenda is to hear public comment, then a motion to approve new legal counsel The Busch Law Group (district is currently without counsel thanks to this BOE). After that motion (they estimate around 7:30pm) the BOE will go into Executive Session, presumably with new legal counsel, and come out to start the Regular Meeting around 8:30pm. On the agenda are two presentations (Audit presentation from CPA firm and then Ethics Training from NJSBA Rep Matt Lee (who was sent home by the Board on Jan 5th), Committee and other reports, then a vote on all the agenda items. According to the posted agenda, the first chance for public comment will be after all the presentations etc. - so maybe around 9:30pm? Hard to predict, but according to the agenda it will be after the board votes on the agenda, so if you wanted to speak on any agenda item, I suggest you be there for 7pm.
Click here for the link to the agenda.