The next meeting of the RIH BOE is on Monday, Oct 16, 8pm at the Indian Hills High School Cafeteria.
Two significant items that I find noteworthy on the agenda -
The highly touted presentation on Block Scheduling is NOT on the agenda. A move to Block Scheduling, a suggestion as a result of the Strategic Plan, had potential to improve academic achievement. At the Sept 29th meeting, Dr. Dionisio urged Board members to wait for the Oct 16th presentation before opining. Yet Judy Sullivan and Doreen Mariani expressed concerns on Sept 29th, and now suddenly the presentation has been pulled from the Oct 16 agenda. Everyone should be asking WHY? Why shouldn't we hear what this could do for our district? Why shouldn't we explore something that was a recommendation of the strategic plan and that other high performing districts have been doing for many years? Instead there will be a presentation on the NJSLA (NJ Student Learning Assessments), which seems to me to be a discussion of our past results instead of a vision of positive change for the future, which I find very disappointing.
A recommendation to approve an interim Superintendent, Dr. James C. Baker, from November 13 through June 2024 is on the agenda.
There are also numerous other personnel and education motions, including a dual enrollment articulation agreement with Centenary University.