"Dionisio’s term at Ramapo Indian Hills has been turbulent... In January a five-member parents’ rights majority took office, making Judith Sullivan their president. Since January, the district has lost two attorneys and its business administrator as the two board factions disagreed at every meeting. By February, the majority had overturned six of nine discipline recommendations made by Dionisio. Most recently, the majority stalled approval of Dionisio’s recommendation to continue a 13-year student mental health program."
The real casualties of this reckless board majority? Our students. It's disheartening to see Judy Sullivan, Kim Ansh, Tom Bogdansky, Marianna Emmolo, and Doreen Mariani act in ways that undermine our district's well being. In my January 19th post, I warned of the consequences of such behavior: "Disrespect and micromanagement will drive out our talented Superintendent. That is not good for students, strong schools, or property values."
For those interested in the full story.
Fair Lawn hires Ramapo Indian Hills superintendent to lead its school district
The Fair Lawn Board of Education has hired the current superintendent of the Ramapo Indian Hills school district to lead the school district.
Check out this story on northjersey.com: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/bergen/fair-lawn/2023/08/15/fair-lawn-rui-dionisio-superintendent-ramapo-indian-hills/70599562007/