The agenda for Wednesday's Special Meeting has not yet been posted. We know this meeting was scheduled immediately after Dr. Dionisio's resignation. We know this meeting is about Personnel and action may be taken. We know Judy Sullivan, Kim Ansh and their board majority does not like to follow rules and wants to be in control. We can speculate on what might take place.
Maybe they want to put Dr. Dionisio on administrative leave for the remainder of his time here, so he doesn't have a platform to speak against them.
Maybe they want to rush to hire a permanent Superintendent before Judy Sullivan leaves office.
Maybe they already have someone in mind?
It's hard to imagine a Superintendent who would want to come and work in this district, with this BOE, after the disrespect shown to the highly competent Dr. Dionisio.
I suspect the pool of candidates will be small. The hiring of a new Superintendent should not be handled by a lame duck board, but by the new BOE in office in January 2024.