The RIH BOE has announced a Special Meeting for Weds August 7th at 7 to discuss personnel. Action may be taken.
We can only guess this is a Meeting to approve the permanent Superintendent whose draft contract was on the last agenda. We already know that 4 BOE members are not in favor of said candidate. What a shame it would be to bring in a Permanent Superintendent with a 5-4 split vote.
With a 9-0 unanimous vote to hire Dr. Tarchichi back in May, this BOE showed us that they CAN come to agreement on a Superintendent when the fit is right.
And with an expected 5-4 vote to hire a Superintendent that 4 BOE members feel strongly is not the right fit for our district, the majority show us that they don't really care about coming to agreement on something as important as hiring a new Superintendent, they'd rather push someone in so they can check the box and cross the search off their list.