So, what happened at the June 12th RIH BOE meeting?
1- An excellent presentation by the Superintendent on the status of the district's strategic plan. Four goals, specific actions with dates and accountability tracking. One of the most thorough and honest strategic plans for a school district that I have seen. Kudos to all involved in bringing the plan forward. Link to the presentation is below.
2 - Recognition of retirees, teachers of the year, counselor of the year and student reps.
3 - All agenda items were approved unanimously.
Sounds like it should have been a quick and productive meeting, right? The trick is always in the details.
Lots of public comment on various topics. Members of the public continue to echo the criticism and false narratives directed at me by members of the Board at previous board meetings and on social media. There were some comments I consider defamatory made by a board member's spouse, comments attacking me for exercising my right to information under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, and comments attacking my right to file a School Ethics Complaint to hold BOE members accountable. Not quite sure why so many people come to the meeting to criticize me for exercising my rights, instead of addressing the Board on school matters, board actions and education issues. Maybe, like some members of the Board, they're trying to silence and discredit me?
The kicker came at the end of the meeting when Board President Judy Sullivan told the community that Busch Law Group resigned because of Brian DeLaite, Dr. Aaron Lorenz and Vivian King. What law firm would EVER say something like that? And what would give the Board President, the only one who speaks to the law firm and the only one authorized to speak to the public on behalf of the Board, the right to state that at a public meeting? It’s no wonder there is a lack of unity on the Board. The buck stops at the top. The Board President is deliberately using her position to demean other board members, and deliberating using Busch Law Group as her cudgel. I'm sure there will be more to come on this story. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, Ms. Sullivan is up for re-election this year. Let's hope Oakland voters are paying attention.
Link to the Strategic Planning Board Update Presentation given by Dr. Dionisio: