The next meeting of the RIH BOE is on Monday evening at 8pm. The agenda has not been posted yet, but a proposed restructuring of Guidance Supervisors is being actively discussed on social media and has precipitated a memo to the community from the Interim Superintendent yesterday afternoon.
From what I understand, the Interim Superintendent and the new Curriculum Director (who started in January) are proposing to eliminate Guidance Supervisors in each building and instead create new district wide positions. The current administration has decided to do a one time restructuring, which has created some anxiety among both staff and parents.
The change to the Guidance Supervisors is concerning to many, as it reportedly creates two new positions (job descriptions not public), and the current Guidance Supervisors in each building would have to apply for one or both of the positions, potentially competing against each other or other applicants for the spots. The new positions would be district wide positions, with different responsibilities.
There are several ways to communicate your thoughts on this:
Send an email to the RIH BOE at This will go to all nine board members, as well as the Interim Superintendent and Interim Business Administrator.
Sign the petition which is circulating to ask the Interim Superintendent to put a hold on the Guidance restructuring plan (link below)
Attend the BOE meeting on Monday evening
I’ll post the full agenda later this evening after its up on the district website.
The Interim Superintendent's letter to the community is currently posted on the website:
Link to the petition:
Related resolutions on the agenda: