Last month the RIH BOE, under the leadership of Kim Ansh, voted to spend $35,000 of taxpayer funds to hire a Public Relations firm, Jaffe Communications, for the school district.
We have great schools. A PR firm has never been considered or needed in the past. Why now?
The PR firm's proposal was this:
Focus on generating positive news content for the district’s internal communications as well as for the media
Increase awareness about the many new programs and initiatives in the district
Pitch positive stories to all relevant media outlets, with an even focus on both high schools - Show on going success
So what does the RIH BOE do at their next meeting? Instead of promoting positive news about our great schools, the Board presents controversial and destructive proposals. Not only do they approve a controversial Restructuring Plan to spend over $100,000 on a proposal that no one understands, that only they know the details of, that the teachers association seems to be against; they also abolish Policy 5756 Transgender Students and disrupt the supports for a vulnerable student population. A PR firm is not going to repair the damage this Board is doing to our district.
According to the PR firm proposal, this is what they will do:
Assess the current PR program in place - Identify gaps and missed opportunities
Develop a plan for two-way communication with school officials to ensure the sharing of information
Find an immediate story worthy of the Bergen Record, develop it and GO.